behind the curtain

Curious about that ROI calculator? Here’s how it works.

Organizations whose managers apply a people-first approach to leadership have 19% less turnover than organizations who do not make efforts to ensure that their managers put people first. (1)

For a given organization, if 100% of the managers take Beteo training and 80% apply what they learn, then . . .

Annual turnover rate × 0.19 × 0.80 × Cost of employee replacement = Annual savings of upskilling your managers with people-first leadership skills

That’s just your cost savings from reducing turnover. In addition, better manager-employee relationships lead to higher employee engagement, and organizations with high employee engagement have (1) :

  • 37% less absenteeism

  • 48% fewer safety incidents

  • 41% fewer quality defects

  • 10% higher customer ratings

  • 21% higher productivity

  • 22% higher profitability

At Beteo, we give your managers practical skills to maximize performance and efficiency by putting people first. Will that translate to bottom line business results? Yes. Is that the most important reason to do it? Not even close.

  1. Source: State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders. 2015. Gallup. This report is based on over four decades of extensive talent research, a study of 2.5 million manager-led teams in 195 countries and analysis from measuring the engagement of 27 million employees.