beteo stands for
be excellent to each other
be excellent
Our paycheck, our self-worth, and our value to society come from finding ways to do our work better and better. Excellence is not a judgment or an outcome, but a way of being.
At Beteo, we study the unconventional practices that drive exceptional results and teach them to the world.
to each other
Without empathy, excellence is a hollow endeavor.
Baked into every Beteo training workshop are human interaction principles based on decades of research in neuroscience, social science, and behavioral psychology. We translate your empathy into practical skills, and we give you time in class to try, fail, laugh, and learn.
the beteo way
Whether it’s a 30 second video, a two-hour coaching session, or a three-day workshop, the instructors at Beteo aim to keep you engaged, stimulate your curiosity, and stoke your fires of inspiration. But it’s not just about entertainment. Beteo wants you to grow, to gain new perspective and new skills that enhance your ability to do whatever you are trying to do—at work, at home, and in the community.
the human behind beteo
Hi, I’m Tony. I’ve been a biochemist, a project manager, a people manager, a change manager, a corporate trainer, a TEDx speaker, and a semi-professional boomerang thrower. And during my 21 years in the corporate world, I became fascinated by this question: If employees quit bosses, not jobs―why are there so many bad bosses?
In pursuit of an answer, I dedicated myself to understanding the psychology and sociology of the workplace, and improving life at work for every employee everywhere. Eventually, Beteo was born.
As a scientist, I read the research (so you don’t have to). As a manager, I made the mistakes (so you don’t have to). And then I developed a practical behavioral model to help you preserve your humanity at work, so your work can serve humanity.
TONY BRAZELTON - Founder, Beteo Learning