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courses for people managers

managing people

The biggest shock for new managers is when they realize they are caught in the middle between the needs of the business and the needs of their people…and soon they feel like they’re failing at both. Believing they have to choose, they adopt one of three management styles: People First, Results First, or Lost Cause. None of these approaches are good for the business or the people in the long term.

Managing People not only debunks this false choice, but provides managers with a framework and practical tools to thrive in any business environment. Spoiler alert: It's about building relationships with people as a means to a business end.

Course options: Online (live) in three 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in two 4-hour sessions

managing delegation

Delegation just might be the most important skill in any manager's repertoire. Certainly to their well-being. Delegate too little and you end up working 80 hours per week. Delegate too much and your house of cards tumbles, catches fire, and explodes. Delegate the wrong task and you end up with a heavy coaching burden.

In Managing Delegation, we practice a framework and tools for delegating strategically and communicating delegation in a way that respects, inspires, and empowers employees.

Course options: Online (live) in two 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in one 4-hour session

managing change

The only constant is change. And with most change comes resistance to change. Left unmanaged, that resistance leads to resentment, rebellion, and failed growth efforts. 

In Managing Change we break through resistance by meeting people where they are, listening, and diagnosing the kind of motivation and support each employee needs. Then we design a tailored coping plan to help each employee mourn the loss of the old way so they can make the transition to the new.

Course options: Online (live) in two 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in one 4-hour session

managing careers

After inadequate compensation, the #1 reason an employee leaves their job is a poor relationship with their manager. The #2 reason is not having enough opportunity to leverage and grow their talents. Yet most managers have career development conversations only about once a year, or not at all. And those conversations tend to be narrowly focused on performance in one's current role as a means to promotion. This approach leaves employees feeling suffocated and trapped, which only accelerates their disengagement and eventual departure.

A career belongs to the individual, not the organization. So career development conversations must be employee-focused. When managers invite their employees to explore all their career options they are more likely to retain them. In Managing Careers, we practice career development coaching as an everyday habit—not a once-a-year task—so managers never miss an opportunity for their employees to grow and excel.

Course options: Online (live) in two 2-hour sessions Face-to-face in one 4-hour session

courses for leaders at every level

leading decisions

Poor-quality decision making is the leading cause of low productivity in a corporate business environment. How do you know if your organization suffers from poor-quality decisions? Ask yourself:

  • How often does your organization revisit decisions?

  • How often do meetings collapse into circular discussions with no decision?

  • How often do people defer to the highest level person in the room?

  • How often do people withhold unpopular opinions that could affect a decision?

  • How often are people blindsided when senior management reverses decisions already made at a lower level?

If your answer to any of these questions makes you nervous, Leading Decisions can provide your leaders with a decision framework and tool to make quality decisions that stick even when data and time are limited. Based in Nobel prize-winning decision science principles, this framework just might be the most important productivity tool your organization will ever use.

"We talk a lot about productivity but it's hard to define until you use [The Decision Guide] and see how much faster we make decisions and get back to work."  - Workshop Participant

Course Options: Online (live) in three 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in two 3-hour sessions

leading change

70% of all change initiatives fail in implementation. That means 70% of your resources, time, and budget spent on special projects is wasted.

Our change efforts fail, not because our ideas are bad, but because we don’t have a methodical way of thinking about change management, and we underestimate the amount of planning and effort required to do it well.

In Leading Change, we study the world's most successful change efforts and how they implemented and sustained change. Then we practice a new mental model for thinking about change and give you tools for creating a robust and comprehensive change management plan. 

Course Options: Online (live) in four 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in two 4-hour sessions

leading meetings

When employees say they wish they could spend less time in meetings, what they’re really saying is that their meetings are a waste of time. Decisions don't get made because a key team member is missing. The organizer rushes through 15 agenda items in an hour. Most of the information shared could have been sent in an email. People stop showing up to the meetings, and the cycle continues.

It doesn't have to be that way. Your employees can spend less time in meetings and make every meeting matter by practicing some key behaviors to:

  • Plan, organize, and communicate meetings

  • Facilitate discussions in a way that stimulates active participation and accelerates quality decision making

  • Use collaboration software to make planning, facilitating, and documenting meetings easy

Course Options: Online (live) in two 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in one 4-hour session

courses for everyone

presentations that pop

You want to present data that wows. You want to move minds, change hearts, or convert customers. You want to be unforgettable.

It's an understatement to say the results often fall short of these aspirations—most presentations are torture. Data dumped without context. Solutions proposed without justification. Or just incredibly dry content that masks the important issues. It's all your audience can do to keep from checking their phones.

Presentations That Pop gives your employees a framework and tools to develop a presentation strategy that not only meets their audience's needs, but provides a structure that's logical, organized, entertaining, resonating, and that moves them to action.

Course options: Online (live) in three 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in two 3-hour sessions

slide magic

Frequently, we spend too much time and energy squinting at other people’s PowerPoint slides trying to figure out what they mean. This leads to confusion, circular discussions, back-and-forth emails, longer meetings, and delayed decisions.

In Slide Magic, participants bring their raw data and information and roll up their sleeves! They practice applying fundamental principles of visual design to make it easier for their audience to understand them, making slides cleaner and neater in the process. Participants learn how to think like a graphic designer, and they learn PowerPoint tips and tricks to get better results with less time and effort.

Course options: Online (live) in three 2-hour sessions of face-to-face in two 3-hour sessions

wow them over

Your presentation to the senior staff is in 5 minutes. Your data and message are compelling. Your slides are clear and engaging. But your heart is pounding in your chest, your throat is tight, and you just noticed sweat beading on your chin. Knees weak, arms are heavy. You get the picture.

Don’t let the messenger get in the way of the message. In Wow Them Over, your employees practice making small adjustments to their body, voice, and environment to deliver a dynamic presentation that is 100% authentically them.

Course options: Online (live) in two 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in one 4-hour session

strong U

Burnout is real. It's one of the top reasons your best employees leave your team or suffer performance drop-offs. Employees need a way to assess whether their talents and interests are aligned with their current role—before it's too late. Without such a measuring system, high performers burn out, and low performers never find their footing.

Strong U gives employees a way to discover their unique strengths and put them to work for a fulfilling career and life. It starts with facilitated self-reflection, followed by real discussions with people who know them best. And we give them some powerful tools to help them reassess anytime things start to feel off. 

Course options: Online (live) in three 2-hour sessions or face-to-face in two 3-hour sessions

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